Veterans Court

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Click Here for the Initial Vet Referral Form

Click Here for the VTC Brochure



Outpatient Treatment

Inpatient Treatment as needed

(minimum 12-24 months)

The 14th Judicial Veterans Treatment Court is an outpatient, 4-5 phase program for substance abuse and mental health treatment which lasts approximately 1-2 years in length.  It targets veterans- felony and misdemeanor offenders that reside in Bay, Washington, Gulf, Jackson, Calhoun and Holmes Counties. Participants attend in/outpatient treatment through the VA and also AA/NA meetings, are drug tested randomly, report to the veteran court judge/coordinator twice a month, abide by rules of the program and report to probation officer as ordered.


· Must demonstrate substance abuse/mental health/legal issues

· Willingness to participate in treatment

· Access to transportation (provide trolley passes)

· PTI, post-conviction or probation violators

· Veterans Treatment Court team has to approve

· Honorable Discharge or under Honorable Conditions

· Stable housing or means to obtain stable housing


*Some exclusions are subject to F.S. 948.08(7)(a) relating to veterans and servicemembers

· Violent felonies, sexual offenses, child abuse or arson charges

· Incarcerated more than once within DOC

· Dishonorable Discharge/ineligible for VA benefits

· Has been previously terminated/graduated from Veterans Treatment Court.

Funding:  Offender fees-


Shonta Covington, Veterans Treatment Court Manager

Tele: (850) 980-0834  or (850) 767-3567